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The outdoor adventure is awaiting your arrival, from hiking, kayaking, ziplining, and more. Each adventure will create an experience you will never forget. Each paid adventure includes lodging, food, adventure(s). Your only responsibility is transportation to get there.
During the weekend adventure, there will be opportunities for vulnerable conversations as well as alone time to reflect with the Father. A journal will be provided for you to capture these special moments!
Our ultimate goal of the weekend is to be refreshed spiritually, emotionally, and physically. Be expectant to hear the Father speak. Although you may not get the answer you are seeking, I promise the Father will meet us in His timing, ways, and thoughts. He just needs your “Yes”.
The Father has given me a love for outdoor adventure, and eyes to see how big He really is through His creation. It is my passion to share this experience with others, as well as, create a safe place for women to accept each other and all their imperfections, have a teachable spirit to grow in areas of past brokenness, and be empowered to step back into their world with the hope and truth of how the Father really sees His Beloved.
Stirring Embers Adventure’s intention is for women to experience adventure through hiking, kayaking, rock climbing, and more. In addition, we want you to be stirred with intentional conversation through His Word and life experience.